At times like these I miss her.
It’s a full moon out here,
And nobody around me.
And I remember like I saw her,
Glistening in the moonlight;
With my hands wrapped around her.
Sitting on my roof at night,
I see the distant world below me,
Too far away to harm us.
There is no sound at this time,
Just the night breeze,
And the music you play in my head.
Then I bring you to my lips,
Flick the water glistening on your body,
And take a bittersweet drink of you.
For a brief moment we are one.
I feel you burning inside my body;
I feel you freezing in my hand,
But she is not with me now no more,
Locked away in some place cold and dark,
Waiting for me to let her breathe once more.
For me to bring your cool skin to my cheek,
For me to see you in all your beauty,
Robed in nothing but the water and moonlight.
Wishing to make my head swim,
And to forget who or where I am.
For the night, claim me as yours.
Let’s leave the world behind,
All head and heartaches alike.
And live, live for one night.
But alas the clock has struck 8 on my Cinderella story,
And the tale of the unfinished love continues;
Because I can’t have any ‘Gin on the rocks’ now!!
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